Thursday, August 13, 2009
#18 - The Partial Stringer Concept
The concept for this deck started right about the time I was starting to talk with Pete about his build. My thinking was that the stringer is most important at either end of the deck but in the body the deck is already quite strong due to it's width and concave. I really wanted more flex than #3 was giving me but still be totally confident that the deck could handle a beating from my rotund frame.
The construction is three layers of bamboo with the middle layer running bias. All of the bamboo I used was either scrap or starting to split and something I didn't want to risk having fall apart during the construction of a deck for someone else(this is only a risk run during initial pressing, nothing fails in pressing and I'm pretty confident from there on out). Knowing that just three layers was not enough for the body at my weight and not wanting to go to four I added a layer of 5.7oz twill carbon fiber to the top and bottom and then the flame cut split walnut stringer.
The deck is not nearly as stiff as #3 but still plenty stiff under my weight with just the right amount of snap. The bias layer in the middle helped to flatten out the concave a little making it a little less freeride friendly but infinitely better for mongo long pushing. The deck rebounds very quickly pushing back into the rider making pumping more effortless. This is not a pumping deck by any means but I can hold speed by pumping with this deck better than any of my others.
For riders of my weight this deck is downright ideal for pushing and it's not so bad for mild downhill as well as freeride.